
The Bessemer City Schools Homeless Education Program is designed to assist homeless children and youth in compliance with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.  We are a division of the Federal Programs Department, and Kimbley Gaston is the District Liaison.  We are located at Quitman Mitchell Opportunity Center (across the street from the board). The address is 1706 5th Avenue North, Bessemer, AL 35020.  Contact the Homeless Liaison for BCS at (205)432-3049. Eight homeless liaisons/counselors have been assigned, one to each school and one to the alternative school. Bessemer City Schools Homeless Program personnel collaborate with school personnel and community service agencies to maximize access to educational, social, and enrichment programs that promote academic success and student achievement.
Homeless Education Program


 All school-aged homeless children are entitled to the same free and appropriate public education that is provided to non-homeless students. Schools are required to remove barriers to the enrollment, attendance, and academic success of homeless students.


A student who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and; has a primary nighttime residence that is designated to provide temporary living accommodations such as

  • shelters, motels/hotels, domestic violence shelters, and transitional housing.
  • lives in a car, park, abandoned building, public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.
  • lives temporarily in a trailer park or camping area due to the lack of adequate living accommodations.
  • lives “doubled-up" temporarily with another family, due to loss of housing.
  • is abandoned at a hospital.
  • resides in a home for school-aged, unwed mother or mother-to-be, if there are no other available living accommodations.
  • is placed by the state in an emergency shelter due to lack of alternative housing.
  • is an abandoned, runaway or throwaway youth or migratory child living in any of the circumstances described above.


  • Homeless student can attend the last school of enrollment, if feasible, or attend the school in the area where the family is temporarily residing.
  • Student can remain at selected school site throughout the duration of homelessness. The school site is considered the school of origin.
  • If the family gains permanent housing, the student can remain at the current school for the duration of that academic year.
  • Homeless students who are not attending their school of residence do not have the right to attend the next matriculating school. The student must attend the school in the area in which he/she is temporarily residing.


 Schools must immediately enroll homeless students, regardless of the lack of:

  • Academic Records
  • Proof of Residency
  • Medical Records
  • Immunization Records
  • School Uniforms


The enrolling school shall immediately contact the last school of attendance to obtain missing records.


  • Assist in the identification of homeless students.
  • Facilitate enrollment and equal access to school programs.
  • Assist unaccompanied youth with enrollment, school placement and obtaining immunization records.
  • Provides school backpacks, school supplies and assistance with transportation and school clothing as  appropriate.
  • Provide in-service training and technical assistance to schools and community agencies.
  • Provide referrals to health, mental health, dental and other school and community services as appropriate.
  • Ensure that parents are informed of their educational rights and are provided with the opportunity to participate in their child's academic career.
  • Disseminate public notice of educational rights in places where services are provided.
  • Mediate enrollment disputes.
  • Ensure that homeless youth have access to a free public education, equal to that of any other youth.
  • Strengthen the implementation of the Bessemer City School's Homeless Education Policy.
  • Reduce enrollment barriers that homeless families face
  • Ensure that homeless students are being properly identified and served
  • Increase school staffs' awareness of and sensitivity to homeless families
  • Ensure that homeless students are not segregated from their non-homeless peers.

For more information on the Bessemer City Schools Homeless Education Program, call (205) 432-3000.